Outdoor flood lights for security, and improved night-time appearance
Christianity,Spiritual,Motivation Rejoice in all things! When life is not easy simply make the choice to rejoice the rest will follow. We all need to retrain-re-discipline-and redo our way of thinking. Ask and receive that which already is. Dear Lord~may our thinking be free and clear of wrong motives. Cause us to live and breathe from a spiritual experience (vital sixth sense)~Amen! James 1:1-8 1 From James, servant of God and of Security Sensor Floodlights Suppliers the Lord Jesus Christ. Greetings to the twelve tribes of the Dispersion. 2 My brothers, consider it a great joy when trials of many kinds come upon you, 3 for you well know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance, and 4 perseverance must complete its work so that you will become fully developed, complete, not deficient in any way. 5 Any of you who lacks wisdom must ask God, who gives to all generously and without scolding; it will be given. 6 But the prayer must be made with faith, and no trace of doubt, because a person who has doubts is like the waves thrown up in the sea by the buffeting of the wind. 7 That sort of person, in two minds, 8 inconsistent in every activity, must not expect to receive anything from the Lord.